Cinnamon Spice and Everything Nice

It’s time to put away the cold watermelons and summer fruits and bring out the warm pumpkins, squashes, and sautéed leafy greens. There’s a reason why those chai lattes and pumpkin spice are oh so nice during this time of the year. During this change we want to nourish and build our immune system. Nourish and protect the Lungs to handle the cold brisk windy air and frosty mornings.

Rou Gui:

Cinnamomi Cx/Cinnamon Bark

Rou Gui, otherwise known as cinnamon bark, is a hot herb that is sweet and spicy that can disperse that deep cold from within. It also warms your channels and helps to relieve pain. Rou Gui is also beneficial in helping lower blood sugar and has mild anti-bacterial properties that can aid the lungs and body during the cold weather. If you already have internal heat than Rou Gui is not for you. If you are pregnant it would be best to avoid cinnamon, especially during your last trimester. It’s not good for the baby.












Gui Zhi Tang
 Cinnamon Twig Decoction

Gui Zhi Tang Tea

Oh no, here’s the runny nose again! You wake up with that nasal congestion, scratchy throat, stiff neck and kind of achy all over feeling. Even if you may not register a fever, you feel the fever and chills. You just want to wrap up in a big soft blanket with a warm cup of something soothing. This is the perfect time for a warm cup of Gui Zhi Tang!

  In TCM, we call that an Exterior Wind-Cold invasion. It’s like that cold wind just brought that little pathogen right on in to you. Gui Zhi Tang is a wonderful warm decoction that releases the exterior and those all over, muscle-achy feelings. This boosts the body’s ability to defend against pathogens and nourish the blood to help you handle the colds and sniffles the weather brings your way.

When you’re a bit under the weather, it is good to avoid alcohol, raw and/or cold foods as well as spicy or greasy foods.

Ingredients: Gui Zhi (Cinnamomi Ramulus), Bai Shao (Paeoniae Radix Alba), Sheng Jiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma Recens), Da Zao (Jujubae Fructus), Zhi Gan Cao (Glycyrrhizae Radix Preparata)